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Course Joining Instructions


10 am to 4.30 pm.

Tea, coffee, lunch and afternoon cake provided.


Address: 7 Church Street, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire SY9 5AA

Google maps: click here

What 3 Words: jetting.unique.defrost



Parking is in the road outside.  There are no restrictions or charges in the vicinity.


The Bees

The bees are located in the garden at 7 Church Street.


  • We provide bee suits, gloves, hive tools and smokers.  But if you have your own, feel free to bring them.  If you do so, please make sure they are clean.

  • As well as indoor shoes, please bring a pair of Wellington or ankle books into which you can tuck your bee suit trousers.  (If you don’t have any boots, we have a selection of wellies you can borrow.)

  • Please avoid wearing scent or aftershave – it can upset the bees.  

  • Wear trousers to go under the bee suit.


Please feel free to bring a camera/phone to take pictures or video of your beekeeping experiences.  

A word on bee stings

  • You will be wearing all over protective clothing when you are working with the bees.  It is however possible that you may be stung.

  • If you are, there is normally a sharp localised pain, which lasts about a minute.  Sometimes this may be followed by localised swelling, and/or itching, which can last up to a couple of days or so.  Piriton, or other oral antihistamine tablets, can help.

  • In very rare cases an extreme allergic reaction, known as anaphylactic shock, is possible.  If this were to happen, we would call an ambulance immediately.


If you would like to know more about this – or anything else – please feel free to contact us.


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